Founded in 2015 in Ontario, Canada, Puzzled Escape Rooms was created by two friends who describe themselves as the two hemispheres of a brain — one logical, one creative. Together, they form a complete mind, a partnership that powers every escape room they design and build.

For their logo, we aimed to streamline their visual identity with a clean, minimalist style that still captures their unique story while also perfectly representing the complexity and logic behind escaping!

Puzzled Escape rooms


Designing the new logo for Puzzled Escape Rooms posed a unique challenge. Their original logo featured a lightbulb, brain, puzzle, and key, and they wanted at least two of these elements carried into the updated design.

We initially brainstormed ways to integrate a brain and puzzle, but nothing felt quite right. Then, we considered a maze instead of a puzzle, recognizing that a maze also symbolizes the process of solving. This led to an exciting idea: what if we shaped the maze to resemble a brain? To build on this concept, we added a subtle key reference by incorporating a key within the maze on one side of the brain and a keyhole on the opposite side, since you have to find a key to escape!

The final logo embodies both the complexity and thrill of escaping—finding your way out by solving clues.


Whirly Girly